Sustainable Cyber Secure Operations With BlackPawn.

Security Doesn't Happen by Accident, It is by Design.


Various Services We Provide

System Security Engineering and System/Software Development Lifecycle

System Security Engineering and Security in SDLC is a specialty field that ensures systems and software are designed securely throughout their lifecycle.

Industrial Control System Security

Securing Critical Infrastructure Systems that their operation facilitates our lives.

Enterprise and Cloud Infrastructure

Protecting Enterprise assets and information On-Prem and Cloud from Cyber Adversaries and Un-authorise access.

New Technologies

Securing emerging technologies such as IoT and Crypto Tech requires specialty knowledge.

Protective Security

Electronic Security Access Control, CCTV and Intrusion Detection provides physical protection of Cyber assets.

Security Operations

Practical operation of organisation units in secure manner where the security risks are managed and collaboration is improved.

A group of anonymous hackers sitting around monitors and hacking representing something like a hacking group

Our Mission

Organisations in operation of Critical Infrastructure (CI) face extreme cyber security challenges from meeting regional and state level government regulations as well as defending and thwarting cyber adversaries in order to keep the operations running. Blackpawn can help via:

  • Governance and Risk Management of process, people, and technology within organisation.
  • Assess and report on organisation cyber security risks, capabilities, and future needed strategies.
  • ICS and OT Audit and Compliance against well known industry standards.
  • Vulnerability and Penetration Test assessment of existing or new/planned infrastructure.

BlackPawn team has experience in Operational Technology (OT) with wealth of practical knowledge in Industrial Control environment. Blackpawn team has assessed, evaluated, and advised government organisations as well as private companies create, develop and deliver the most sophisticated projects in critical infrastructure and industries. No system is secured by accident; security requires to be embedded from design to delivery.

ACSC Network Partners
View profile on ICN Gateway
Tactix Group

Get In Touch

Don't know what you require in your organisation operation or what you need to do in terms of Cyber Security? You require assessment against Industry Standards? Please don't hesitate to reach out and let's discuss your needs and requirement.

Get In Touch

Take Action to Secure Your Infrastructure

Maximise Cyber Security capabilities of your organisation with experience and knowledge of Blackpawn, leverage our expertise in Cyber Security to better protect yourself from cyber criminals and adversaries. Get prepared for Government and Statutory audits and 3rd party assessments.

Happy Clients that has benefited from our teams advice in various levels of concept to delivery.

Projects combined participation and provided advice to various clients.

Years of experience helps us to provide valuable insight and guide you through meeting your organisation or project objectives.

Certificates Our team posses all the right knowledge and certificates require to carry out their work.


Contact Us


Melbourne, VIC 3000


+61 466 980 917